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Yamazaki Ayako Yamazaki Ayako

Lives in Kanagawa prefecture
After working in kindergarten, studied at Shinichi Fukui Illustration Class and started working.

Tokyo Illustrators Society member → Click here for the site

♦ Major awards

Genkosha Co. , Ltd. 1995 The Choice Excellence Award

Illustration file magazine

It is posted on the illustration file web.

Click here for the site

・ TIS Open Call 2001 Bronze Award , 2002 Grand Prize
・ Several solo and group exhibitions (Gallery House Maya, etc.)

♦ Main work history
・ In-house newsletter cover (Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited)
・ Illustration in the product catalog (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
・ CD-ROM (Justsystem)
・ Flowers on the wall (Gentosha), wives in love (Shogakukan), etc.

・ Chigasaki Lusca advertisement

In addition, we are active in magazines (covers, cuts), shop supplies, miscellaneous goods, etc.


♦ Art materials used

Acrylic paint, color ink, colored pencils, markers

Clay production, paper production

I mainly draw animals and plants.
I want to cherish the feelings of my heart and express the beauty, strength, and fun of everyday life and the natural world. I would like to make good works by using each encounter and event as a power.

I would like to express it on the stage, murals, and in a large space. Also, I enjoy thinking about my previous work, cards, bags, and other miscellaneous items.

Ayako Yamazaki.

Kanagawa-ken residence

Shinichi Fukui illustration department learns and begins work via kindergarten duties.

Tokyo Illustrators Society member

♦ Main winning a prize reki

* Corporation Genkou company The choice excellent prize in 1995

Illustration file magazine

Illustration file web You carry it.

* 2001 bronze prizes of TIS solicitation and 2002 jackpots

* Several times of exhibition and group exhibition (gallery house Maya and others)

♦ Main work reki

* In-house publication cover (Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd.)

* Illustration in the trade catalog (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)

* CD-ROM (Just System)

* A picture on a book cover Flower on a wall (maboroshifuyusha) and my wives who love (Shogakukan) and others.

* Chigasaki RAS mosquito advertisement

Additionally I'm active by magazine (cover and cut) shop articles and miscellaneous goods.

♦ Use subject matter for a painting

Acrylic fiber paint, color ink, colored pencil and marker

Clay production and paper production

dou is drawing a plant in the center.

A felt heart, importantly, I'd like to express daily life, beauty of the natural world, forcefulness and amusement. An encounter and an affair, I think when a good work can be made by turning each into power.

I'd like to express by a stage, a mural and big space. Or, it's fun to consider something miscellaneous goods-like, and I think of the previous work stem, card and bag.

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